Mantel Mount Pull Down Wall Mounts
From High-Level to Eye-Level
Many components and considerations are required to design and deliver a safe, properly operating pull down TV mount. MantelMount's patented construction combines high-quality automotive pistons with lightweight alloys and state-of-the-art counterbalance technology, allowing virtually anyone to easily pull a large flat- screen TV down off the wall, suspend it at eye-level in front of the fireplace, and swivel it left or right.
MantelMounts are designed with far more thought and consideration for your family experience than the average TV mount. They're built on four core principles:
1. Smooth, easy, consistent operation
2. Safety of the TV and electronics
3. Safety of the home and mounting environment
4. True comfort and the perfect TV view
*Add on the RB100 Recess Kit for 1.75'' flush-to-wall mounting.